Method for determination of the modulus of elasticity in compression perpendicular to grain of wood Research of Elastic Modulus of Mould Pressing Bamboo Processing Fragment Plate GB/T1943-1991木材横纹抗压弹性模量测定方法竹加工碎料模压代木板材的弹性模量研究
The tablecloth trails on the floor. The perpendicular plate grows faster than vomer along the superior-inferior axis and does not ossify until birth. 台布一直垂到地板上。②筛骨垂直板的上下径生长大于犁骨,且骨化时间晚,至出生时仍未骨化;
The device is characterized in that a connecting plate ( 40) is arranged on the bottom surface of the transverse plate ( 30) and is perpendicular to the transverse plate. 横板(30)的底面设置有垂直于该横板的连接板(40)。
Methods Since October, 2001, pituitary adenomas in 43 cases were removed via single nostril, posterior section of perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone and sphenoidal approach. 方法2001年10月以来对43例垂体腺瘤采用单鼻孔直入经筛骨垂直板后段经蝶入路手术。
It was founded that the chemical compositions of the weld metal and base plate about the crack are very inhomogeneous and the bond lines inside weld metal are about perpendicular to the base plate, while the fault planes were analysed with scanning electron microscope. 用扫描电镜分析断口,发现裂纹处的焊缝金属与母材有较严重的化学成分偏析,内侧焊缝金属的熔合线基本垂直于母材。
By comparing the results obtained from the finite element software, it shows that the perpendicular orthotropic plate is practicable in some engineering field, and the results of the work has some referential values to the related research and engineering calculation. 通过比较有限元的计算结果,表明正交异性板在特定工程领域中是可用的,对相关研究和工程计算具有一定参考价值。
Mending Perforation of Nasal Septum by Shifting Mucoperiosteal Flap and Perpendicular Plate of Ethmoid Bone under Nasal Endoscope 黏软骨膜瓣移位加筛骨垂直板修补鼻中隔穿孔
Objective To explore the effect of mending the perforation of nasal septum by shifting the mucoperiosteal flap and perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone under nasal endoscope. 目的探讨应用鼻内镜下黏软骨(骨)膜瓣移位加筛骨垂直板修补中等以上鼻中隔穿孔的效果。
Based on the planing-craft tests, the influence of the part perpendicular bilge-plate on the spray and the craft-hydrodynamics are discussed. 滑行艇试验探讨了局部垂直舭板对喷溅和艇的水动力影响。
Heavily anisotropic material and slightly material are selected to analyze in the paper. The computation results show the cantilever plates which fiber is perpendicular to the clamped boundary has the minimum deflection. The effect of anisotropy on the deflections of the plate is discussed. 分别选取强各向异性材料、弱各向异性材料进行计算分析,结果表明纤维方向垂直于悬臂板固定边的层合悬臂板刚度挠度最小。
A half-transparent plate is put before the microwave detector with its plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the microwave. The wavelength of microwave can be determined by moving the plate and the results obtained by this method are the same as by the Michelson interference method. 在微波接收器前放置板面垂直于波传播方向的半透平板,沿波传播方向移动板的位置可以测量微波的波长,测量结果与用迈克耳逊干涉法测量的结果相同。
Quantitative relation between yield stress and R-value along directions parallel and perpendicular to rolled Ti plate 在平行和垂直轧制方向上钛板的屈服应力与R值的定量关系
The central portion of the perpendicular plate was the thinnest portion of the nasal septum. 筛骨垂直板中央区为鼻中隔最薄处;
The primary reason to cause the congenital septum deviation was the disequilibrium growth between the perpendicular plate and the vomer. 筛骨垂直板与犁骨之间的生长不平衡是导致先天性鼻中隔偏曲的重要原因,即为主动性偏曲。
The crista ethmoidalis of the perpendicular plate of the palatine bone was located just antero-inferior to the sphenopalatine foramen, and anterior to the lateral posterior nasal arteries. 筛骨嵴为腭骨垂直板上一骨嵴,筛骨嵴正好位于蝶腭孔的前下方,鼻后外侧动脉出蝶腭孔正好位于其后方。
Crack tip field and propagation behavior of fatigue-crack perpendicular to interface in composite plate 复合板中垂直于界面裂纹的尖端场及扩展行为
Nursing care of a case with prolapse of trocar sheath of trachea after underwent perpendicular plate hemilaryngectomy 喉声门上水平垂直部分切除术;1例垂直半喉术后病人气管外套管脱出的护理
Pneumatization of perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone and mucocele 筛骨垂直板气化与黏液囊肿
Conclusion: X-ray examination can only find bilateral fracture of nasal bone, but CT-scan can clearly demonstrate unilateral fracture, fracture of frontal process of maxilla, fracture of perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone and compound fracture of nasal bone and soon. 结果:490例复位满意,10例复位不佳.结论:x摄片鼻骨只能诊断双鼻骨同时骨折,而单侧鼻骨骨折,上颌骨额突骨折,筛骨垂直板等复杂骨折CT扫描均能清楚显示。
Orthotropic steel deck is an integral structure composed of perpendicular stiffeners ( longitudinal rib and diaphragm plate) and bridge deck, which are bearing wheel load together. 正交异性钢桥面板是一种由纵、横向相互垂直的加劲肋(即纵肋和横隔板)连同桥面板组成的共同承受车轮荷载的整体结构。
In this paper a new arithmetic of perpendicular edge detection works on license plate location, according to geometrical features of perpendicular edge which belong to license plate characteristics. 车牌定位和字符分割是汽车牌照识别系统中的关键技术,本文提出了一种基于垂直边缘检测算子和车牌几何特征相结合的车牌定位方法。
Thus heat can be generated directly from the inner plate and transfer toward the direction perpendicular to the plate to throughout the fabric. 这样热量可直接从板内产生并朝着垂直于板的方向全部穿透织物往外传递。